Operating System | Windows® XP (SP3), Windows Vista® (only) Pentium 4 3GHz or comparable (dual core recommended) 1 GB (3 GB recommended) DirectX®9-compatible graphics adapter with 128 MB RAM (DirectX®10 with 512 MB recommended) DirectX®: DirectX®9/10 6 GB free space DirectX®9-compatible Windows-compliant mouse, keyboard, gamepad, headset Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: ATI® Radeon® 9600–9800 / X300–850 / X1050–1950 / HD2400-2900 / HD3400–3870 / HD4300–4890 NVIDIA GeForce® 6100–6800 / 7100–7950 / 8200–8800 / 9200–9800 / 120–140 / 250–295 Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. NVIDIA® nForce™ or other motherboards/soundcards containing the Dolby® Digital Interactive Content Encoder | |