1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Steam Key GLOBAL
  • 1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Steam Key GLOBAL

1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Steam Key GLOBAL

15,04 €
inkl. MwSt.

12.53 € us.png
12.53 € switzerland.png
14.91 € germany.png

6 Stück
Lieferzeit: Sofortdownload

1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum is the latest story-driven RPG from Black Chicken Studios, inc., spinning tales of pulp adventure, exotic locations, occult horror, and romance that ll require well-honed skills.



Minimum System Requirements
Processor1 GHz
Graphics500 MB available space
Memory2 GB RAM
Operating System8 / 7



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