BookWorm Deluxe Origin / EA app Key GLOBAL
  • BookWorm Deluxe Origin / EA app Key GLOBAL

BookWorm Deluxe Origin / EA app Key GLOBAL

42,60 €
inkl. MwSt.

35.50 € us.png
35.50 € switzerland.png
42.25 € germany.png

6 Stück
Lieferzeit: Sofortdownload

Help Lex battle through books in a spelling sensation of epical proportions! Vanquish villains, whomp foes and annihilate over 150 enemies. Increase your word power with fantastic gems, potions and treasures. With exciting mini-games and brilliant bonus modes, it s the ultimate test of vocabularic valor!



Operating SystemWindows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP 500 MHz   128 MB RAM DirectX: 7.0



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