SIMCITY Multilanguage Origin / EA app Key GLOBAL
  • SIMCITY Multilanguage Origin / EA app Key GLOBAL

SIMCITY Multilanguage Origin / EA app Key GLOBAL

111,90 €
inkl. MwSt.

93.25 € us.png
93.25 € switzerland.png
110.97 € germany.png

1 Stück
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SimCity, later renamed SimCity Classic, is a city-building simulation video game, first released on February 2, 1989, and designed by Will Wright for the Macintosh computer. SimCity was Maxis s second product, which has since been ported into various personal computers and game consoles, and spawned several sequels including SimCity 2000 in 1993, SimCity 3000 in 1999, SimCity 4 in 2003, SimCity DS, SimCity Societies in 2007, and SimCity in 2013. Until the release of The Sims in 2000, the SimCity series was the best-selling line of computer games made by Maxis.






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