Close to the Sun Key GLOBAL
  • Close to the Sun Key GLOBAL

Close to the Sun Key GLOBAL

14,53 €
inkl. MwSt.

12.11 € us.png
12.11 € switzerland.png
14.41 € germany.png

2 Stück
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Close to the Sun is a story-driven horror game that takes place at the turn of the 20th century on a mysterious ship complex created by Nikola Tesla for the sake of knowledge. In this alternative version of history, his scientific breakthroughs have already had a major impact on the world. You’re a young journalist looking for your sister and, as you approach this enormous and glorious complex for the first time, you quickly realize that something there has gone horribly wrong...






Operating SystemWindows 10 Core i5 / AMD FX 2.4 Ghz 8 GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX Series 7 or AMD Radeon R9 with 3GB RAM DirectX: 11 50 GB free space Audio: DirectX compatible



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