Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Complete Edition GOG.com Key OTHER
  • Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Complete Edition GOG.com Key OTHER

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Complete Edition GOG.com Key OTHER

23,99 €
inkl. MwSt.

19.99 € us.png
19.99 € switzerland.png
23.79 € germany.png

13 Stück
Lieferzeit: Sofortdownload



Operating System Windows XP/Vista/7  Intel 3.0 GHz or AMD 2.5 GHz or higher  1 GB (XP), 2 GB (Vista)  Nvidia 7800 / ATI X1800 or better (Shader Model 3.0, 512 MB Video Memory) DirectX®: 9.0c  DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Controller Support: Xbox 360 Controller



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