Strategic Command: European Theater Key GLOBAL
  • Strategic Command: European Theater Key GLOBAL

Strategic Command: European Theater Key GLOBAL

23,99 €
inkl. MwSt.

19.99 € us.png
19.99 € switzerland.png
23.79 € germany.png

1 Stück
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Strategic Command: European Theater is a World War II grand strategy game. The game, that is turn-based, takes place on a map that stretches horizontally from the east coast of North America to the Ural Mountains in Russia, and vertically from just below the Arctic Circle to the North Coast of Africa. There are six campaigns, each a year in the war that are played until the end of the war, starting with the Germans attacking Poland.



Operating SystemWindows XP or Vista 1 GHz 256 MB RAM 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9



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