Star Wars Pinball Switch Nintendo eShop Key EUROPE
  • Star Wars Pinball Switch Nintendo eShop Key EUROPE

Star Wars Pinball Switch Nintendo eShop Key EUROPE

23,34 €
inkl. MwSt.

19.45 € us.png
19.45 € switzerland.png
23.15 € germany.png

38 Stück
Lieferzeit: Sofortdownload

Star Wars is a conversion of Atari Games first-person shoot em up based around the original Star Wars film. You take on the role of Luke Skywalker, aiming to destroy the Death Star - which, as any fan knows, involves attacking the weak spot near the exhaust. To even get to this you have to pass swarms of TIE Fighters. Complete the game and it loops back around at ever-increasing difficulty. The game uses vector graphics, which allow lots of action at high speed on comparatively slow systems.





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